been tagged by cailing 2 do tis quiz
Taq 8 pe0ple t0 d0 it.Cann0t taqqed ppl wh0 did this bef0re.
If y0ur l0ver betray y0u, what will y0ur reacti0n be? perhaps break-up wif him
If y0u have a dream c0me true, what will it be? of course gd results 4 O level ;D
What will y0u d0 if y0ur best friend snatch y0ur l0ver? No! she's nt tat kind of person
Are y0u c0nfused 0n what lies ahead 0f y0u? of course! cn't predict tat
What is y0ur ideal l0ver like? lots of loved frm him & willing 2 make changes 4 mii
Which is m0re blessed, t0 l0ved 0r t0 be l0ved? to be loved^^
H0w l0nq d0 y0u intend t0 wait f0r the pers0n y0u l0ve? hmm.. depend bah
If the pers0n y0u secretly like is already attached, what will y0u d0? give myself sme time 2 get over it
Is there anything that make you unhappy this few days? shld be or shld i say hve bah );
If y0u have a choice, what type 0f family w0uld y0u wanna be b0rn in? loving & peaceful will do
Right-handed 0r left-handed? Riqht-handed =D
How d0 y0u see y0urself in 1o years' time? no idea wor.. cn't predict it unless i've a machine tat predict e future hahaa
Who is currently the m0st imp0rtant pers0n t0 y0u? Family & Frenz ;D
Do y0u think y0u are kind? eh.. duno haha
Would y0u rather be single and rich or married and po0r? depend depend haa
If y0ur friends hate y0u, what will y0u d0?Love them back? cn't help it.. jus let it be
If y0u l0se y0ur v0ice 0ne day, what will y0u d0? nth bt tink of hw 2 recover frm it
D0 y0u live t0 l0ve, hate or the sake 0f living? guess is to love & sake of living bah (=
What type 0f friend d0 y0u want? frenz tat will share happiness & sorrow wif mii
If y0u're g0ing t0 ch0ose a c0untry f0r h0neym0on, where'll y0u ch0ose? smewhere on earth whereby it's romantic n peaceful
8.ming hwee